Saturday, January 9, 2010

Unexplained Blog mysteries: a note to readers.

There is much that puzzles us about the mechanics of the blog. For example, Joan started a blog called Kiwis at Play on January 4, saved it as a draft, and has just (on Jan.9) completed it. But it has got posted in the archive (in the left-hand column) dated January 4. It could easily be overlooked--but click on it, as it contains the most blasphemous description of cricket that I have ever read. But also lots of good photos that Joan has taken of sporting activities.
And speaking of photos, we are totally puzzled why some photos do not enlarge when you click on them whereas most of them do. Positioning of text and photos also gives us problems. Please bear with us--we are still learning.
And remember, once you have enlarged a photo by clicking on it, you can return to the blog by clicking on the back button in the top left hand corner of the screen.

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