Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The morning walk for the newspaper

Out the 'front' door of the apartment on the eastern side of the building.
The walkway leads to the lifts.
Starting down the hill opposite the church.
The road down to sea level is very twisty. Two 180 degree
hairpins and a few wiggles.
You do not want to meet a bus on a corner.

17a Maida Vale Road. A very modern house.

Flowers in a garden by the side of the road.
The New Zealanders all seem to be zealous gardeners

Down the hill.

Into the walkways.
The hills are laced with walkways and steps.
Easy to go down but needing a lot of effort to get up.
Further down the walkway.
Whoops-I have duplicated a picture.

...and further still--spooky Lord of the Rings trees.

Nearly down.

Down to Oriental Parade.
Along Oriental Parade.

Our nearest shop. A convenience store--run by a subcontinental Indian.
In NZ these shops are-for historical reasons--referred to as dairies.

The beach--people swim here in rough seas and what seem to me
like freezing temperatures.

Modern apartments--they come in all shapes and sizes.

Norfolk Pines line Oriental Parade.
They are wreathed in lights for Christmas.

Another modern apartment building.

Through the marina.

Each boat owner has a boat shed.

The supermarket where I buy my newspaper.
The walk takes about 20 minutes to get there and a little more to get back
as the climb to the apartment building up the walkways is much slower
than the downward walk.

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