Sunday, December 13, 2009

We may lack internet connection..

As Joan has said, tomorrow we cross to the South Island, across Cook Strait. The trip takes about three hours, and I believe that only about a third of it is actually in Cook Strait. We have heard horror stories of barf bags being issued to all passengers, and we have equipped ourselves with dramamine. We have even bought crackers so that we can have something to throw up if we need to--nothing worse, I remember from my Navy days, than the "dry heaves." As usual, faced with a wide diversity of crackers in the supermarket, Joan agonised endlessly which to buy. I told her to buy the cheapest--"after all we are supposed to vomit them up again."
A cautionary word about our internet connection. We will take the computer with us, but we are not at all sure that we will get Wi-Fi where we are staying. We hate to disappoint our loyal readers ( if we have any) so rest assured that if there is nothing new for the next few days, we will certainly resume next weekend, by which time we will probably have a hundred photos to load into the computer. We hope you will be waiting with baited breath.

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